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What is the role of acupuncturists in the overall well-being of your health?

Wed Apr 6

Calgary acupuncture Clinic

Without question, one of the most pressing challenges of today’s world is the health of our planet and its inhabitants. Maintaining a healthy sense of well-being has been a hot issue in recent years, particularly concerning excellent mental health. Acupuncture therapy and Chinese medical streams can assist us in comprehending what we can do to help ourselves acquire and sustain good health. Its principles inspire us to be present in our bodies, connect with and feed our physical selves and the physical environment around us. This physical stream is the foundation of our mental and emotional health.

Studies have shown Acupuncture to enhance a person's health by activating the body's natural healing mechanisms, making it a crucial part of a holistic health care approach. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has found that this non-invasive health care treatment is safe and effective in treating many diseases.

Experts are discovering that the benefits of Acupuncture are diverse and far-reaching, ranging from pain management to stress reduction. After acupuncture treatments, patients may enjoy physical well-being and a better state of mind and a more balanced emotional state. So, if you've been expecting to improve your health this year, finding a trained acupuncturist is the only thing you would need to obtain the relief you've been looking for without harsh medicines or intrusive procedures.

How does Acupuncture work?

Acupuncture's main goal is to enhance body processes and promote self-healing. Acupuncturist can accomplish it by stimulating pressure points or acupoints throughout the patient's body. This procedure, in which a practitioner inserts sterile needles into specific spots on the skin, is undoubtedly familiar to you. This is only one component; certified acupuncturists in Calgary can also utilize moxibustion, massage methods, cupping, or heat treatment to accomplish the same goal.

How can it promote overall well-being?

It helps in reducing the stress level.

Whether someone gets treatment, Acupuncture is frequently regarded as wonderfully calming. Furthermore, most patients report increased energy, better sleep, and overall well-being.

Acupuncture aids in the relaxation of the nervous system. As a result, it aids in the suppression of the "fight-or-flight" stress response. The stress response, which is fuelled by adrenaline and keeps us awake and ready to act, aids us in achieving our goals. It is an effective technique for achieving mental peace. When a stress reaction goes on for too long without any interruption, health issues occur.

Stress causes your heart rate to increase, your breath speed up, your muscles tense, and your blood pressure to rise. It's no surprise that stress-related illnesses account for 75-90 percent of all medical visits. Acupuncture improves circulation and reduces overall muscular tension by soothing the body and increasing parasympathetic activity. Immunity, digestion, fertility, relaxation, recovery, and repair are among the body's activities that are not concerned with immediate survival. In general, the findings indicate a general sense of relaxation and well-being.

Reduction in depression and anxiety.

Anxiety and depression are still two of the most frequent mental illnesses worldwide. They can induce physical difficulties in addition to mental discomfort, as the body can sense mental sickness and tiredness. Acupuncture is an excellent treatment for both sorts of complaints.

Anxiety is linked to a heart and kidney imbalance in traditional Chinese medicine. Hence acupuncture focuses on the heart, kidney, spleen, and ear to alleviate anxiety.

Relief from migraine and headaches.

Migraines and headaches are common problems, but coping with them daily may be debilitating. Many migraine patients turn to alternative treatments when conventional medicine fails to relieve migraine discomfort. Headaches and neck pain treatment may be possible using acupuncture-based health and wellness practices.

The most common theory for how Acupuncture relieves migraine pain is that it triggers brain circuits that turn pain off. Regarding efficacy, research has shown that acupuncture treatments lasting at least six sessions can be a beneficial alternative for patients suffering from migraines. It may also assist with migraine frequency and intensity.

Say goodbye to body aches.

Many people believe that they can only treat some form of pain through medicines, yet Acupuncture might be a helpful technique for alleviating pain in specific parts of the body. Experts recommend utilizing it in conjunction with chiropractic therapy to attain greater healing effects.

Some people seek Acupuncture for health and well-being to avoid taking particular drugs. Before quitting any medicine or trying something new, talk to your doctor, especially if you have chronic pain.

Treat sleep problems and insomnia.

Sleep is foundational for getting through the day, but many of us find our minds racing with thoughts when it's time to retire for the night. Acupuncture may be used to assist calm your thoughts and can potentially replace sleeping pills or prescriptions for people who have trouble falling asleep.

If people can feel calmer before going to bed, it might impact their overall health. No one can deny the vitality that sleep has over our overall health and well-being. It's worth trying Acupuncture to see if it might help you sleep better at night.

How many treatment sessions would you need?

The answer to this issue varies by person and situation, and it's something you should discuss with your acupuncturist before starting therapy. Some individuals get alleviation after just one session, while others may require two or three to see results. If you have a chronic or long-term ailment, you should plan on having one or two sessions each week for a few months. Acute difficulties may usually be handled in fewer sessions. Your acupuncturist will give treatment suggestions to you.


Every patient is unique and reacts to Acupuncture differently than others. Different diseases also need more frequent sessions before the therapeutic benefits can show its effects. A couple of sessions during the week for several months is the traditional baseline advice for chronic illnesses, although acute difficulties frequently require fewer regular visits. It all relies on how you react to the sessions and the treatment plan you and your acupuncturist agree with. After receiving acupuncture treatment, you will see how can acupuncture help in relieving pain.

Acupuncture treatments alone are unlikely to be a panacea for any problems mentioned above. Nonetheless, when used with other therapies, they can be quite useful.

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